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We Love the Planet deodorant is 100% natural! Our cream deodorant contains no synthetic and polluting ingredients that are bad for your skin and our planet. The effect Each of the We Love the Planet deodorants is based on a combination of beeswax, coconut oil and cornstarch powder. This makes the deodorant easy to spread and makes your skin velvety soft. The deodorizing effect is brought about by baking soda, which neutralizes odors in a natural way. Each deodorant has its own scent by adding different natural ingredients. Application Each deodorant contains 48 grams. With daily use this is sufficient for approx. 2 to 3 months. A small amount applied once a day is enough for 24 hours of freshness. Do you sweat more or do you have an active day? Use it more often; it's 100% natural after all! Natural thing The deodorant from We Love The Planet consists of 100% natural ingredients and is certified organic. No synthetic or skin-damaging substances and no aluminum were added. This makes the deodorant better for your skin, and better for our planet. Ingredients:
Coconut oil *, baking soda, corn starch powder, beeswax, caprylic acid, olive oil, bastard lavender oil, linalool **, lavender oil, tocopherol, sunflower oil *, St. John's wort oil, lime **, geraniol **, coumarin **.

*from controlled organic cultivation
** Part of essential oils

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